Chemical Dumbing Down of Society |
Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon discusses: Chemical Dumbing Down of Society.
Click Here to watch! |
The Truth about MSG Monosodium Glutamate Clinical Nutrition |
Dr. Vincent Bellonzi discusses: The Truth About Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
What effects does MSG have on diet, obesity, health and food cravings?
Click Here to watch! |
The Truth About Aspartame |
Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon discusses: The Truth About Aspartame.
Click Here to watch! |
Frankensteer |
 Every year, 50 percent of the total tonnage of antibiotics used in Canada ends up in livestock.
The film follows each participant's remarkable journey and captures the medical, physical, and emotional transformations brought on by this diet and lifestyle change. We witness moments of struggle, support, and hope as what is revealed, with startling clarity, is that diet can reverse diabetes and change lives.
Click Here to Watch! |
Sweet Misery - How a nerve poison became “food”, the Story of Aspartame |

After 7000 miles, and 25 hours of footage, "Sweet Misery" will reveal one of the most pervasive, insidious forms of corporate negligence in the history of the industrial revolution.
The toxic long-term effects of aspartame are often dismissed as a "hoax" by the sweetener industry and at least five other internet websites. The real footwork, however, unravels something less comforting than a mere "Hoax."
"Sweet Misery" is the title of a documentary released by Sound and Fury in June of 2004. Our primary investigation includes interviews with doctors, lawyers, people who have had health probems which they associate with aspartame usage, advocates, and many others.
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